
 汉氏贵金属(上海)有限公司 汉氏贵金属(上海)有限公司是一家专业从事贵金属催化剂,高纯度贵金属及其化合物,同时回收含有钯、铂、铑、钌、铱等贵金属废料的公司。公司下设江西生产基地(江西汉氏铂业有限公司),江西生产基地作为江西省内第一家贵金属化合物、催化剂生产企业。 江西生产基地厂区占地面积15000平方米,建筑面积约4600平方米,现有职工110余人,大专以上学历的工程技术人员占员工的20%以上,拥有一批经验丰富的研发工程师、化工工艺工程师、质量工程师,检测设备先进、齐全,各种加工设备80余台套。 公司严格推行ISO9001质量管理体系和ISO14001环境管理体系,确保公司产品和服务满足相关的行业产品标准和客户的质量要求,确保生产过程的环境友好和保护,充分履行企业的市场经济职责和社会职责,每年均达标通过环境监测,历年被省市县有关部门多次授予各种荣誉称号。 公司产品及业务: 1. 根据客户需要定制不同规格钯碳、钌碳、铂碳、铑碳等碳载体贵金属催化剂; 2. 海绵钯、铂、铑、钌、铱等贵金属原料; 3. 氯化钯、醋酸钯、四(三苯基膦)钯、双(二亚苄基丙酮)钯、三(二亚苄基丙酮)双钯、氧化铂、硝酸铂、辛酸铑、三苯基膦氯化铑、三氯化钌等贵金属化合物和配合物; 4. 为客户提供铂、钯、铑、钌、铱等含贵金属废料再生和加工及回收; 5. 本公司为客户提供含钯、铂、铑、钌、铱等贵金属及废料分析检测; 6. 本公司可以根据客户特殊要求进行贵金属配合物的合成。 为满足不断增长的市场需求和不同客户的要求,公司在保持钯系列产品优势项目自身研发、工艺改进基础上,已与国内多个业内有影响力的研究机构、大学建立良好的产学研合作关系,延伸拓展其他贵金属项目,共同打造富有活力的创新型企业。 欢迎各界新老朋友与我们开展各种形式的业务合作,共创美好未来!欢迎来电咨询 HanShi precious metal (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is a professional engaged in the precious metal catalyst, high purity precious metals and their compounds containing palladium, platinum, and recovery, rhodium, ruthenium, iridium and other precious metal scrap company. The company set up under the Jiangxi production base (Jiangxi HanShi platinum industry Co. Ltd.), a production base in Jiangxi as a production enterprise of Jiangxi province first noble metal compound, catalyst. Jiangxi production base covers an area of 15000 square meters, construction area of about 4600 square meters, the existing staff of more than 110 people, engineering and technical personnel, a college education accounted for more than 20% of employees, has a group of experienced R & D engineers, chemical process engineer, quality engineer, advanced testing equipment, complete, all kinds of processing equipment more than 80 sets. Company strict implementation of ISO9001 quality management system and ISO14001 environmental management system, to ensure that the company's products and services meet quality related industry product standards and customer requirements, ensure the production environment friendly and protection, the performance of enterprise market economy responsibility and social responsibility fully, annual compliance by environmental monitoring over the years, was awarded the provincial cities and counties concerned department of the title of honor. The company's products and services: 1 according to the customer need to customize different specifications of palladium on carbon, platinum, rhodium, ruthenium carbon carbon carbon carbon carrier noble metal catalyst; The 2 sponge palladium, platinum, rhodium, ruthenium, iridium and other precious metal raw materials; 3 palladium chloride and palladium acetate, four (three phenyl phosphine palladium (two), double benzylidene acetone) palladium, three (Er Ya benzyl acetone) pair of palladium, platinum oxide, nitric acid, octanoic acid, three platinum rhodium triphenylphosphine rhodium chloride, three ruthenium chloride and other precious metal compounds and complexes; 4 for customers with platinum, palladium, rhodium, ruthenium, iridium containing precious metal waste regeneration and processing and recycling; In 5 the company to provide customers with analysis of palladium and platinum, rhodium, ruthenium, iridium and other precious metals and scrap detection; In 6 the company can be synthesized according to customer special requirements of noble metal complexes. In order to meet the growing market demand and the requirements of different customers, the company in maintaining the improvement of palladium based product superiority project series of their own R & D, technology, research institutions, has been influential in the industry with a plurality of domestic university to establish good cooperation relationship, extension and other precious metal items, together to create innovative enterprise full of vitality. Welcome old and new friends from all walks of life to carry out various forms of business cooperation with us, to create a better future! Welcome to inquire,  


地址: 上海徐汇区天钥桥路327号
邮编: 200030
联系人: 杨先生
电话: 021-54253908
传真: 021-54245362
手机: 13817626145
邮箱: c@163.com